What is Selective Long Term Storage?


Selective Long-Term Storage allows it to be a permanent repository for Selected Completed ePaks. If Selective Long-Term Storage is enabled on your instance, then you may choose which ePaks are stored when you compose them on the Compose page by turning on/off the toggle button labelled Archive. All the ePaks for which the Archive was set to ‘On’, they will not be removed at the end of the Retention period. They will be archived instead. This only applies to ePaks that are Complete and have been selected for long term storage. ePaks that are not in a Completed state and completed ePaks that were not selected to be archived, will still be removed at the end of the Retention period.


Note: It can now be configured to set expiration and retention dates for an ePak either from the last action date or the ePak’s create date. This is a system level configuration and cannot be controlled by individual users.

What is Selective Long Term Storage?

Selective Long-Term Storage allows it to be a permanent repository for Selected Completed ePaks. If Selective Long-Term Storage is enabled on your instance, then you may choose which ePaks are stored when you compose them on the Compose page by turning on/off the toggle button labelled Archive. All the ePaks for which the Archive was set to ‘On’, they will not be removed at the end of the Retention period. They will be archived instead. This only applies to ePaks that are Complete and have been selected for long term storage. ePaks that are not in a Completed state and completed ePaks that were not selected to be archived, will still be removed at the end of the Retention period.

Note: It can now be configured to set expiration and retention dates for an ePak either from the last action date or the ePak’s create date. This is a system level configuration and cannot be controlled by individual users.

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