What is a digital signature?

A digital signature is a legally binding equivalent of your handwritten signature. A validated digital signature uses technology to ensure that the signature represents you, and that the content of what you signed has not been altered. It validates the authenticity and integrity of a message or digital document and the sender’s identity.

After signing digitally, you do not need to sign the document with a pen. Your digital signature is legally binding and carries the same legal strength as your ink signature.

What is a digital signature?

A digital signature is a legally binding equivalent of your handwritten signature. A validated digital signature uses technology to ensure that the signature represents you, and that the content of what you signed has not been altered. It validates the authenticity and integrity of a message or digital document and the sender’s identity.

After signing digitally, you do not need to sign the document with a pen. Your digital signature is legally binding and carries the same legal strength as your ink signature.

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