How do I change the Language?

MSB users will be able to use English, Hindi, Chinese, Arabic, French, Dutch, Spanish, German, Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Portuguese, and Italian language interface. On selecting the desired language, all the labels and messages in MSB will be shown in the selected language. You can change the language from three places. Logged in users can change the language from the Profile page under the language heading. The available languages will appear in the drop down. You can select the language of your choice and save it. This will change the language of the system to the language selected. Also, a logged in user can change language from the main menu bar with the click on the globe icon, which will show you the available languages.



Users who have not logged in and do not have a language selected can use the language call to action on the login screen. Selecting the language of your choice will change the login page to the selected language.

How can I change the language?

MSB users will be able to use English, Hindi, Chinese, Arabic, French, Dutch, Spanish, German, Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Portuguese, and Italian language interface.On selecting the desired language, all the labels and messages in MSB will be shown in the selected language. Users may change the language from the login page with the click on the globe icon or from the Profile page under User Preferences. The available languages will appear in the drop down.

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